What is a work planner

A Work Planner is involved in the calculation, support and preparation of all work to be carried out within a project. The Planner is responsible for making work drawings, planning, work instructions and purchasing materials.

Activities of a Work Planner

When you start work as a Planner, you should have a clear understanding with your employer of what your tasks will be, so that you will not be surprised. Of course, the exact tasks depend a lot on the company and the sector you will be working in. In general, there are three roles: that of Calculator, Technical Draftsman and Planner. The roles of planner and calculator are very similar. Below, these three roles are described.


The Calculator makes risk analyses, evaluates offers, identifies savings opportunities and ensures correct post-calculation. Based on drawings, specifications and other information, the Calculator calculates the required hours and materials.


As a Planner you are responsible for the (detailed) planning of a project, which may involve specific tasks such as determining the required number of labor hours, making a work schedule, providing work instructions and purchasing materials. Arranging permits is also a task. Further, of course, the tasks may vary by industry and employer.

Technical Draftsman

The Technical Draftsman makes detailed technical drawings of installations or products. He/she does this using a CAD system. Dimensions, references and captions are also added to the drawings.With most employers, you will find that the duties of a work planner overlap, meaning that you will have to deal with all three parts. You may specify in one part, but often you will see the Work Planner working all-around.

What competencies does a Work Planner have?

Below are some competencies that are important to perform this job well.

  • To be accurate
  • Being able to plan well
  • To be organizationally strong
  • To be social
  • Negotiation skills
  • To know how to get things done
  • To be a go-getter
  • Be able to work well in a team

If you possess many of these competencies, you are the perfect candidate for this job.

How do you become a Work Planner?

To get started as a Work Planner, it is important to have completed an education in this field. This training is often at MBO level and can be followed at various schools throughout the country. It is often also possible to take an internal course at your employer, but these are more geared toward specialization.

What courses are there?

Here are some approptriate courses you can take:

  • Calculating and Work Preparation
  • Technical Draftsman
  • Work Planner Installation
  • Production Planner

These courses cna be followed on MBO level.

What is the salary of a Work Planner?

When you start working in this position, the starting salary is on average between €2,200 and €2,500 gross per month. As Senior Planner, your salary can go up to €4,500 gross per month. This salary will depend on age, knowledge and experience. Also, the salary may vary by industry or employer.

Source: Salary indication